Himachal Pradesh State Department of Prisons and Correctional Services Tenders

Explore Active Tenders from Himachal Pradesh's Department of Prisons and Correctional Services

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Himachal Pradesh
| Department of Prisons and Correctional Services
| Surveillance Equipments
| DIG Prisons / Sr. AIG Prisons
Request for Proposal RFP for Supply, Design, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of IP based CCTV cameras in Prisons Mandi, Kullu, Sub Jail Kalpa at Reckong Peo, ICCC and Local Data Center LDC at Prisons Headquarter
Published 04/01/2025 12PM
Submission 27/01/2025 5PM
Bid Opening 28/01/2025 2PM
Tender Value
Rs. NA
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